
BCM GUNFIGHTER MCMR Aluminium Rail – 5.56, mlok slot – Platform – AR15- Handgun


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Featuring the same industry leading barrel nut and lock up design as originally introduced on BCM’s evolutionary KMR handguard, the MCMR Series of handguards gives the shooter modularity in the M-LOK platform.

This proprietary patented mounting system (US Patent 8904691), includes a mechanical index to the 12:00 rail and positions mounting hardware to mitigate the movement caused by heat generated by the weapon system.


Featuring the same industry leading barrel nut and lock up design as originally introduced on BCM’s evolutionary KMR handguard, the MCMR Series of handguards gives the shooter modularity in the M-LOK platform.

This proprietary patented mounting system (US Patent 8904691), includes a mechanical index to the 12:00 rail and positions mounting hardware to mitigate the movement caused by heat generated by the weapon system.

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10-inch, 13-inch, 15-inch