


Stock Availability : 5

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  • We do our best to keep online inventory quantity adjusted to match the retail store. However, please be advised that there is a delay when current levels are synced. All inventory is synced every few hours during business hours.
  • All pricing is subject to change without notice.
  • Oversized, overweight, or bulk small-pack ammunition orders are subject to additional shipping charges.
  • Orders will be processed and shipped within retail store hours.

Stock Availability : 5

The Enola Gaye EG25 Micro Smoke Grenade emits a rapid stream of concentrated Blue smoke for 30-40 seconds. Create artistic effects in Film or Photography or use for marking smoke or pinpoint strikes in Paintball or Airsoft. Perfect when you need the smoke effect but do not want to cloud our the area.


The Enola Gaye EG25 Micro Smoke Grenade emits a rapid stream of concentrated Blue smoke for 30-40 seconds. Create artistic effects in Film or Photography or use for marking smoke or pinpoint strikes in Paintball or Airsoft. Perfect when you need the smoke effect but do not want to cloud our the area.